

even though the digital revolution has also impacted the music industry, musicians must still buy the same old instruments as well as use a studio to record their songs. in contrast, to shoot images one no longer needs a dedicated and expensive apparatus. a cell phone is enough. tangerine recently confirmed that point loud and clear. so the big difference between old-style shooting and today’s is that the entire paraphernalia of heavy cameras, magazines, batteries, tripods, heads, spreaders, shoulder mounts, prime lenses, zoom lenses, filters, etc., can be left behind. likewise for the heavy lighting fixtures, stands, c stands, flags, nets, silks, scrims, sandbags and generators. all that paraphernalia is not needed anymore. be inventive and manufacture your own material when needed. ditto for the labs: no cost for processing your images, printing them, cutting the negative, etc.

amen. furthermore, with a cell phone, if you are fast and discrete, you don’t need permits since no one would notice you are in fact shooting a movie. as for cutting, any free editing software is perfectly serviceable. alternatively (why not?) don’t hesitate to cut in the camera.